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new AxisX.max cannot be applied?!

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I have a chart with values set from a database connection. AxisX has numeric 


chart.AxisX.AutoScale = false;

chart.AxisX.Max = 430;

chart.AxisX.Min = 0;

The x-values from my dataset have a maximum of 388. Although my AxisX.Max is

higher, the AxisX Scale labels stop at 388. I want the AxisX scale labeled

up to my Max of 430. Several calls of AxisX.RecalcScale, chart.refresh,

AxisX.ResetScale have not worked (and were removed afterwards).

any help is appreciated


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What's the Step ? The axis label will go from the Min, then using the Step 

to Min + Step, Min + Step*2, etc. If the max is no in one of these places,

it will not be displayed.

What are the labels you are seeing ? What is the Step ?


Francisco Padron


"Holger Wilken" <holger.wilken@megatel.de> wrote in message


>I have a chart with values set from a database connection. AxisX has

>numeric values.

> chart.AxisX.AutoScale = false;


> chart.AxisX.Max = 430;


> chart.AxisX.Min = 0;


> The x-values from my dataset have a maximum of 388. Although my AxisX.Max

> is higher, the AxisX Scale labels stop at 388. I want the AxisX scale

> labeled up to my Max of 430. Several calls of AxisX.RecalcScale,

> chart.refresh, AxisX.ResetScale have not worked (and were removed

> afterwards).


> any help is appreciated


> Holger



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I have an image of my chart (X-axis and its properties) attached:

- the step is 60 ( labels are in minutes: every datapoint, the x-value

increases by 1/6 = 10sec >> with step 60 every 10 minutes a label)

- I can see the labels up to my max x-value from my dataset, which is 388

( last label "380")

- I want to extend the X-axis labels to the maximum of (for example) 418 =

30 more than my max x-value, although there are no data points at the last


- as you can see in the screenshot, the maximum is set to 418, but when I

try to [Apply] the settings, nothing changes (setting a different step works

though), setting the maximum via code makes no difference.

any idea?


"Software FX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> What's the Step ? The axis label will go from the Min, then using the Step

> to Min + Step, Min + Step*2, etc. If the max is no in one of these places,

> it will not be displayed.


> What are the labels you are seeing ? What is the Step ?


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com



> "Holger Wilken" <holger.wilken@megatel.de> wrote in message

> news:rggaWPBnFHA.1848@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>>I have a chart with values set from a database connection. AxisX has

>>numeric values.

>> chart.AxisX.AutoScale = false;


>> chart.AxisX.Max = 430;


>> chart.AxisX.Min = 0;


>> The x-values from my dataset have a maximum of 388. Although my AxisX.Max

>> is higher, the AxisX Scale labels stop at 388. I want the AxisX scale

>> labeled up to my Max of 430. Several calls of AxisX.RecalcScale,

>> chart.refresh, AxisX.ResetScale have not worked (and were removed

>> afterwards).


>> any help is appreciated


>> Holger





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1) is this an X/Y chart ? Are you passing X-Values to this chart or is the 

X-Axis a "categorical" axis ? A categorical Axis Max can not be changed as

it is controlled by the number of points in the chart. Check the code where

you pass data to the chart to make sure you are passing X-Values.

2) With a step of 60, going from 0 you are never going to see 418. As I

explained in my previous posting, you are only going to see labels that are

multiple of the step (60), so you will see 0,60,120, ..., 480, in the

picture though the Step seems to be 10 not 60. Still you will get to 410 or

420 but not 418.


Francisco Padron



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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to confirm your answer: point 1) is right, my number of points 

is the limit.

as for point 2): I have not expected to see 418 as a axis label, but to see

for example the next label 420, if I could extend the Axis Max, which is

limited like you explained in 1)

thanks for your help


"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> 1) is this an X/Y chart ? Are you passing X-Values to this chart or is the

> X-Axis a "categorical" axis ? A categorical Axis Max can not be changed as

> it is controlled by the number of points in the chart. Check the code

> where you pass data to the chart to make sure you are passing X-Values.


> 2) With a step of 60, going from 0 you are never going to see 418. As I

> explained in my previous posting, you are only going to see labels that

> are multiple of the step (60), so you will see 0,60,120, ..., 480, in the

> picture though the Step seems to be 10 not 60. Still you will get to 410

> or 420 but not 418.


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com


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