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License problem when running from n-unit

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I use chart fx in several winforms under VS2005. We also use n-unit 

extensively to unit test individual modules. Unfortunately, if I try to run

a win form that contains a chart fx object from bunit I get the error shown


I have searched the KB and alll work arounds seem to require a a minimum

relinking to top level executable. This however is not possible when using a

generic unit test utility such as n-unit. (n-unit works by running their

executable which loads and tests specified dlls. Thus the n-unit exe cannot

have any prior knowledge of what it may be asked to run)

From reading your KB articles, I'm beginning to thing that chartFx is not

compatible with n-unit?

Thanks for any help,


System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: Couldn't get Run Time license for


at SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Base.1Y.QB(LicenseContext 2JQ, Type 2JR, Object 2JS,

Boolean 2JT, LicenseProvider 2JU)

at SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Base.RegistryLicenseProvider.GetLicense(LicenseContext

context, Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions)



context, Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions, License&

license, String& licenseKey)

at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.ValidateInternal(Type type, Object

instance, Boolean allowExceptions, License& license)

at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.Validate(Type type, Object instance)

at SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart..ctor()

at AutoChem.Fbrm.Forms.StartExperiment.SignalViewer.InitializeComponent() in

SignalViewer.cs:line 193

at AutoChem.Fbrm.Forms.StartExperiment.SignalViewer..ctor() in

SignalViewer.cs:line 78

at AutoChem.Fbrm.Forms.StartExperiment.CleanStep..ctor() in

CleanStep.cs:line 208



in StartExperimentWizard.cs:line 162



device, WizardUsage usage) in StartExperimentWizard.cs:line 97



device) in StartExperimentWizard.cs:line 82

at FBRMUnitTests.Wizards.StartTest.BasicTest() in StartTest.cs:line 18

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I am working entirely on my development PC, thus I think that I do have a 

license installed.

I am currently using a development license.



"Software FX" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> You need a license of Chart FX Installed on the computer in which these

> tests are running.


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com


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Actually, I´m not sure because the execution of the unit tests is handled by 

a VS add in called ReSharper. If you can tell me the issues or what to do in

each case, I will send Resharper an e-mail to see if anything can be done.



"Software FX" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Is n-unit a managed EXE or unmanaged ?


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com


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If it is a VS adding, the EXE is probably VS itself, which is unmanaged.

When you say you have a " development license", do you mean you have

"Developer Studio" ? If so, Developer studio has a limitation, it can not be

used at run-time from an unmanaged EXE. Please contact Software FX,

technically you need a full copy of Chart FX in order to make this scenario

work but they may give you some options as far as pricing.


Francisco Padron


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