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Bar Width

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I am using transparent columns to space out the columns of one set of values 

with the code below. I would like the transparent columns to be smaller and

the other columns to fill up more of the space. Is there a better way for me

to do this?

Dim oChart As New SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart

oChart.DataEditor = True

oChart.NSeries = 10

oChart.NValues = 1

oChart.AxisY.Max = 770000

oChart.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Currency

oChart.AxisY.Style = AxisStyle.GridFront

oChart.Series(1).Stacked = True

oChart.Series(4).Stacked = True

oChart.Series(7).Stacked = True

oChart.AxisY.Sections(0).To = 500000

oChart.AxisY.Sections(0).From = 500000

oChart.AxisY.Sections(0).Gridlines = True

oChart.Series(0).Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 204, 255)

oChart.Series(1).Color = Color.FromArgb(51, 102, 255)

oChart.Series(2).Color = Color.Transparent

oChart.Series(3).Color = Color.Transparent

oChart.Series(4).Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0)

oChart.Series(5).Color = Color.Transparent

oChart.Series(6).Color = Color.Transparent

oChart.Series(7).Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0)

oChart.Series(8).Color = Color.Transparent

oChart.Series(9).Color = Color.FromArgb(51, 153, 102)

oChart.OpenData(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.COD.Values, 11, 1)

oChart.Value(0, 0) = 500000

oChart.Value(1, 0) = 200000

oChart.Value(2, 0) = 0

oChart.Value(3, 0) = 400000

oChart.Value(4, 0) = 300000

oChart.Value(5, 0) = 0

oChart.Value(6, 0) = 400000

oChart.Value(7, 0) = 100000

oChart.Value(8, 0) = 0

oChart.Value(9, 0) = 400000


oChart.Series(0).PointLabels = True

oChart.Series(0).PointLabelAlign = LabelAlign.VCenter Or LabelAlign.Center

oChart.Series(0).PointLabelColor = Color.Black

oChart.Series(1).PointLabels = True

oChart.Series(1).PointLabelAlign = LabelAlign.VCenter Or LabelAlign.Center

oChart.Series(1).PointLabelColor = Color.Black

oChart.Series(4).PointLabels = True

oChart.Series(4).PointLabelAlign = LabelAlign.VCenter Or LabelAlign.Center

oChart.Series(4).PointLabelColor = Color.Black

oChart.Series(7).PointLabels = True

oChart.Series(7).PointLabelAlign = LabelAlign.VCenter Or LabelAlign.Center

oChart.Series(7).PointLabelColor = Color.Black

oChart.Series(9).PointLabels = True

oChart.Series(9).PointLabelAlign = LabelAlign.VCenter Or LabelAlign.Center

oChart.Series(9).PointLabelColor = Color.Black

oChart.SerLegBox = True

oChart.SerLegBoxObj.Docked = Docked.Bottom

oChart.SerLegBoxObj.Alignment = ToolAlignment.Spread

oChart.Series(0).Legend = "A"

oChart.Series(1).Legend = "B"

oChart.DataEditor = False


"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Series[i].Volume = PercentageOfWidthUsed


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com


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