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Bubble chart with z axis?

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Hi all,

Hoping you can help. I need to create a bubble chart with 3 axis, and my

dev team doesnt think its possible?

I'm surprised to hear that!?

I need bubble chart for mutltipe companies at the same time to show

Co 1 Co 2 Co 3

Rev 100 50 250

Profit 35 25 100

Mkt Cap 100 200 250

Where the Rev and Profit are like the X/Y axis on a scatter, an Mkt cap is

the size of the bubble.

Is this possible? I can do it in excel, but need to do in Chartfx.

Many thanks!



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Where is the Z-Axis ? Are you talking 3D here ?

What you are asking for in the body of your posting is definitely possible,

simply create a 2 Series Bubble chart, the first series will contain Profit,

the second will contain Mkt Cap and Rev will be in the X-Values.

If you are using databinding do this right before filling the datasource:

chart.DataType[0] = DataType.XValue; // Rev.

chart.DataType[1] = DataType.Value; // Profit

chart.DataType[2] = DataType.Value; // Mkt. Cap


Francisco Padron


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