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Show legend only?

User (Legacy)

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I´d like the control to only show the legend and have the legend take up the 

space where the chart usually is.

Basically the reason is I´m being asked to show a Gauge control with a

legend. So I was going to use the Chart FX Gauge control for the gauge and

the chart control to render the legend since the requirement is to have the

legends look the same whether the user is viewing a gauge or a bar/pie




"SoftwareFX" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> What do you want to have in the space the chart is ?


> If you make the chart small enough then all you will see is the legend

> box.


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com



How do you size just the chart itself to take less space and not size the 

whole control?



"SoftwareFX" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> The legend is box designed to be used always with a chart, but like I said

> before if you can make the chart small enough, the legend box will take

> all the available space.


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com



You can't, however you CAN change the size of the legend box:

chart1.LegendBox.Width = 400;

By default, the legend box is automatically resized to fit its content.

You may also want to do:

chart1.LegendBox.PlotAreaOnly = false;


Francisco Padron



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