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Creating multiple lines on Y with matching values on X

User (Legacy)

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I think the use of collections are great. Currently I paint a linecurve this 


loop() {


DateTime dteTime = new DateTime(2005,1,24,




allCol.Add(series1); // these are the values

allCol.Add(series2); // these are the times

ListProvider lstProvider = new ListProvider(allCol);

chart1.DataSourceSettings.DataSource = lstProvider;

My question is, if I want to paint another line on the graph, how do I do it

if I want to use collections. Do I work with legends? Can you provide me

with an example where I, in another loop fills series3 and 4 with values and

times and add it to the same datasource?

thanks / Henrik


You simply add this collection to your list and re-assign the DataSource. 

For example:


ListProvider lstProvider = new ListProvider(allCol);

chart1.DataSourceSettings.DataSource = lstProvider;



Software FX


OK, what happens if I have more values in series3 than series1 = I have more 

"time" values for series3 than the previous timearray series2. My

application hang when I tried to add a new array of series containing time.

best regards / Henrik

"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> skrev i meddelandet


> You simply add this collection to your list and re-assign the DataSource.

> For example:


> allCol.Add(series3);


> ListProvider lstProvider = new ListProvider(allCol);


> chart1.DataSourceSettings.DataSource = lstProvider;



> --

> FP

> Software FX



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