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Graphing multiple data set with different x values

User (Legacy)

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I want to graph data sets with different x values that are date/time values,

such as:

Set 1:

X Valule Y Value

11/14/2004 8:15:00 AM 30.3

11/14/2004 8:15:20 AM 30.9

11/14/2004 8:15:50 AM 31.5

Set 2:

X Valule Y Value

11/14/2004 8:15:10 AM 15.9

11/14/2004 8:15:40 AM 17.8

11/14/2004 8:16:15 AM 13.5

Set 2:

X Valule Y Value

11/14/2004 8:15:05 AM 8.8

11/14/2004 8:15:45 AM 12.4

11/14/2004 8:16:20 AM 13.3

The X Axis is the date/time values. The Y axis will be the floating-point

data. Do I need to pre-process the data to look like the following, with

the blank spaces being a COD.HIDDEN?:

X Valule Y Value1 YValue2 YValue3

11/14/2004 8:15:00 AM 30.3

11/14/2004 8:15:05 AM 8.8

11/14/2004 8:15:10 AM 15.9

11/14/2004 8:15:20 AM 30.9

11/14/2004 8:15:40 AM 17.8

11/14/2004 8:15:45 AM 12.4

11/14/2004 8:15:50 AM 31.5

11/14/2004 8:16:15 AM 13.5

11/14/2004 8:16:20 AM 13.3

Thanks, in advance, for the help!



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> Do I need to pre-process the data to look like the following, with the 

> blank spaces being a COD.HIDDEN?:

No. You can pass different X-Values for each series. Right as you have it in

your data originally. The data will just look like this:

Date1 Value1 Date2

Value2 ....

11/14/2004 8:15:00 AM 30.3 11/14/2004 8:15:10

AM 15.9

11/14/2004 8:15:20 AM 30.9 11/14/2004 8:15:40

AM 17.8




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SoftwareFX Support,

>> Do I need to pre-process the data to look like the following, with the

>> blank spaces being a COD.HIDDEN?:


> No. You can pass different X-Values for each series. Right as you have it

> in your data originally. The data will just look like this:


> Date1 Value1 Date2

> Value2 ....

> 11/14/2004 8:15:00 AM 30.3 11/14/2004 8:15:10

> AM 15.9

> 11/14/2004 8:15:20 AM 30.9 11/14/2004 8:15:40

> AM 17.8

Thanks for the response. Does this mean that I need to set the type of the

columns like so?:

MyChart.DataType[ 0 ] = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.DataType.XValue;

MyChart.DataType[ 1 ] = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.DataType.Value;

MyChart.DataType[ 3 ] = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.DataType.XValue;

MyChart.DataType[ 4 ] = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.DataType.Value;




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