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Null referece exception

User (Legacy)

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can you please tell me under what circumstance will chartfx.dll throw a

NullReferenceException when i mouse over a row in the data editor to

highlight the series? this problem has been plagued me forever and it was

never predicatable. i have no definite way to reproduce it, and yet it comes

out every now and then. please see the attached screen shot.

the exception happens when i mouse over to the "Focus Index" row of the data

editor. admitedly that row has a much smaller scale than other rows, which

means there is probably no chart drawn on that series. is this the reason

that a "NullRefereceException" is thrown. shouldn't chartfx take care of

this kind of situation? and the weird thing is that it only happens

sometime, not always.


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Under no circumstances we throw a null reference exception during highlight. 

On purpose that is.

It seems that you have found a bug, please export this chart to a binary

file (using the export method) and attach it, also include the steps to

reproduce it. Even if it doesn't happen every time, tell us what you do when

the problem does happen (you already told us that it happens in highlight,

but are you hovering over the row header ? a specific column ?)

This should help us figure out what the problem is an offer you a solution.



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