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Removing Subcommands

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In the help it talks about removing sub commands. The example given is:



This Works fine, but I need to be able to remove some of the Palettes from

the Palette list. Changing the CommandID to the PaletteSelector always

results in an index out of bounds exception, e.g.



Any idea what I'm doing wrong?



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Okay, well the reason I was trying to remove individual palettes, is because 

some of the palettes available to .Net are not available in the Java version

of ChartFX. If I cant prevent the user from selecting palettes such as Vivid

which dont exist on the Java Server, can I add these palettes to the Java


"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> The problem is that individual palettes are NOT commands.


> There is no API to remove a specific palette from the palette list.


> --

> FP

> Software FX


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Chart FX fro Java is based in Chart FX 6.0, are you using 6.2 in .NET ? That 

would explain the difference.

Besides the palettes there is many other differences between 6.0 and 6.2. A

new version of Chart FX for Java compatible with Chart FX 6.2 is in the

works, you can contact our Chart FX for Java team for more information.



Software FX

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yes we have 6.2 for .Net and 6.0 for Java. I didnt realise!

I can live without the new palettes until 6.2 for Java is released.

Thanks for explaining,


"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Chart FX fro Java is based in Chart FX 6.0, are you using 6.2 in .NET ?

> That would explain the difference.


> Besides the palettes there is many other differences between 6.0 and 6.2.

> A new version of Chart FX for Java compatible with Chart FX 6.2 is in the

> works, you can contact our Chart FX for Java team for more information.


> --

> FP

> Software FX


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