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Hiding a serie and its panel.

User (Legacy)

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I have a number of series, each one has its own pane, I'd like to let the 

user select what serie (and so what's pane) to see.

Series has Visible, but for the pane? do i need to remove it from

collection? (this will cause other series to go out of sync...)



Corrado Cavalli [Microsoft .NET MVP-MCP]

UGIdotNET - http://www.ugidotnet.org

Weblog: http://www.ugidotnet.org/710.blog

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In general, a pane may contain more than one series.

To remove a pane, simply do:

pane.Proportion = 0;

You need to make sure NO Visible series are attached to a pane with

Proportion Zero, or else you will get unexpected results.

To figure out which pane a series is attached to:

int nPane = chart1.Axis[series.YAxis].Pane;



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