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Saving Chart Templates

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We are struggling with our implementation of saving a chart layout that can

be recalled and applied to a chart with updated data. We have most of it

working well, but have not figured out a couple of things....

1) If we have the stat extension turned on, we can save the fact that it is

on, but have not figured out how to save the visualizations that a user had

checked (i.e. mean, median, etc.) We have turned on the Reuseextensions

string, but that has not helped.

2) When we repopulate the chart, we are grabbing the saved template (we are

storing it in an XML stream) and then applying the new data from the

database. We have a sitaution where the user may have originally had a

chart with two series (i.e. unique users and web hits). After saving the

template with those selections they may update the chart with a modified

selection (i.e. sales and web hits). The chart shows the right data, but

the legend still reads (unique users and web hits).

We can not figure out which bits to turn on/off in the FileContents string

to make it so the chart will show the new data, respect all of the per

series and per attribute setting AND still reflect the appropraite (new)

legend entries.

It may be that we have to override certain settings after we apply the

template & data. Any thoughts?

Finally just for our benefit..in the FileContents string...can you describe

in more detail what chart properties are included in the "Titles", "Text"

and "ReuseExtensions" bits?


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> 1) If we have the stat extension turned on, we can save the fact that it 

> is

We discovered a bug a few days ago in which the Visible Property for a Study

was not being serialized correctly into an XML. This seems to be the same

problem you are having. This fix will be included in the next Service Pack.

You can contact Software FX Support to obtain a HotFix.

> 2) When we repopulate the chart, we are grabbing the saved template (we

> are storing it in an XML stream) and then applying the new data from the

While the data is not saved into the XML, the series attributes (along with

the legend text) is. FileContents.SeriesAttributes controls this but it is

an all-or-nothing setting. You either save ALL series attributes (Color,

Text, etc.) or none. There is no way to selectively select which attributes

to save.

The ReuseExtensions flags does NOT change what gets saved, it simply

instructs Chart FX than when reading a file to re-use the same extension

objects already attached to the chart (if they are there) instead of

creating new instances of them.

FileFormat.Titles: Saves the titles (Chart titles, Axis Titles, Pane

Titles). The attributes of each title would be saved depending on the other

FileContentSettings. For example the Text of the title will be saved only if

FileContents.Text or FileContents.TitlesText are on.

FileContents.Text: Saves axis labels, custom gridlines labels, and title



Francisco Padron


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