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axis label not drawn when axis is inverted

User (Legacy)

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I'm using ChartFx for winforms.

chartfx.dll Version 6.0.839.0, (6.0.1353.24751)

chartfx.base.dll Version 6.0.839.0, (6.0.1353.24702)

chartfx.borders.dll Version 6.0.839.0, (6.0.1353.24718)

When the X axis is inverted to draw the axis at the top, the label for the

first point is not drawn. When the axis is not inverted then all is drawn

correctly. The attached images show the problem.

Incidentally it seesm to work with the older versions:

chartfx.dll Version 6.0.839.0, (6.0.1262.25350)

chartfx.base.dll Version 6.0.839.0, (6.0.1262.25316)

chartfx.borders.dll Version 6.0.839.0, (6.0.1262.25327)

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