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While using List Transform with ItemsSource bound to a list,how to change the Series Gallery type dynamiclly basing on a property in the bound item list? Thanks

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Dear Support Team, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

What I need to do is to change the Series Gallery Type basing on a property in an item from the bound ItemSource(say a list just like the Sample Application in the Sample & Resource Center). And If the name of the country is "Japan", I want to use Scatter Gallery to render the GDPInfo and for the rest I want to use Line Gallery.  Is it possible to achieve it ?


Unfortunately because of the way we setup our logical tree, you will not be able to bind the series gallery (or any other series property for that matter) to a property in your data.

We will research if we can enable this scenario in future versions.


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