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ChartFx License


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You have to deploy ChartFX.WPF.dll and any other Chart FX dlls you might be using (Data, Annotation, Motifs, etc.)

I noticed you specifically mentions that you are creating your charts dinamically, note that Chart FX for WPF uses the standard .NET licensing scheme which means we need VS to embed our license into your executable. The easiest way to achieve this would be to add a chart at design time to one of your windows/pages even if this window will never be shown. Altertnatively you could manually edit licenses.licx and add information about our component so that Visual Studio knows that it should embed our license into your executable.

- You will then need to create a licenses.licx file and place the following text in it.

SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart, ChartFX, Version=8.0.XXXX.ZZ, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a1878e2052c08dce

- Add the licenses.licx file to your exe project.

You can also create a dummy project, drop the chart at design time in one of the windows and check the licenses.licx and changes to csproj that Visual Studio will perform.

Hope this helps


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Thanks JuanC, I have manged to do that. (I have also forgotten to mention before thatr the chart is in a DDL, but I have added the license in the main executable and it seems to work).

I have another question, I have a build server, without ChartFx and witout Visual Studio installed.

You mentioned that VS must embed the license in the executable, does it mean that I cannot produce releases with the bulid server?

Or I need to buy some sort of special licese to do that?



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>> but I have added the license in the main executable and it seems to work

This is the way .NET licensing works, license is only embedded into executables. I assume Microsoft did this to avoid people writing a wrapper dll that would workaround the license.

>> You mentioned that VS must embed the license in the executable, does it mean that I cannot produce releases with the bulid server?

Even though I mentioned VS, the same thing can be accomplished by msbuild / .NET SDK. From the Chart FX point of view the build server needs to have a valid Chart FX license installed. Please contact sales at softwarefx dot com for details.


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