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Pie Chart Legen Alignment


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I have a pie chart, for some reason the legend appear more or less in the top-center instad of top-right.

If I change the graph to be column or cureve the legend is correctly in the top-right, but not for pie.

This is my code:


cfx:LegendBox cfx:Chart.TargetPanel="Inside" DockPanel.Dock="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Top" Visibility="{Binding Path=Text, ElementName=LegendBoxVisibilityDummyTextBox, Mode=OneWay}">
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You can use "Tools" which is the default value for the TargetPanel attached property if you want to setup a binding and return "Inside" for axis charts and "Tools" for non-axis charts.

BTW, "Inside" will in fact place the label on top of the pie and HorizontalAlignment is honored (obviously if available space is bigger than legend)

If your space is constrained you might want to look at this


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