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Customize context menu not possible


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I try to add a user command to series context menu. But menu item doesn't appear. I do the same with ChartFX for Windows Forms and there it works. Is it not supported in web version ?

Version 7.0.3306.26568

Here's my code:

ChartFX.WebForms.Command contextMenu = Chart1.Commands[ChartFX.WebForms.CommandId.ContextMenuSeries];

//add Drilldown itembaseCommand = new ChartFX.WebForms.Command(2222);baseCommand.Text = "Drilldown";baseCommand.Style = ChartFX.WebForms.CommandStyles.ShowTextOnly;baseCommand.ImageIndex = -1;baseCommand.Enabled = true;Chart1.Commands.Add(baseCommand);contextMenu.SubCommands.Add(baseCommand.ID);




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It may be a timing issue. Where in the page lifecycle are you executing this code? Make sure it is done before any rendering occurs. If you are already doing it in an event that's prior to any rendering, please post a sample app that reproduces the problem.  Your code works on my end when I paste it in my Page_Load handler.

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 Ok, when I do it in Page_Load it works. But I want to change the context menu content when a user click on a user command. It is not possible to remove or add any commands to context menu when after it was rendered the first time. As an alternative I tried to disable commands but this is not possible also.

I need it for drilldown feature. If user clicks on a sub command of "Drilldown" in context menu. I change chart data and accordingly the available sub commands ( drilldown options ) should change. But context menu could not be changed

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