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Tooltips are being clipped when overlap right edge of their chart


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I have a relatively complex multi-line chart created in ChartFx (WinForms). Separate tooltips are displayed when the cursor hovers over any point on the line, when hovering over a shaded "section" of the graph, and when hovering on the x-axis to show the corresponding point on the chart. Two of these tooltips look great, one is cut off whenever it overlaps the end of the chart.

Two questions please:

1) Can I differentiate between these tooltips to turn off the ones being clipped?

2) Is there a setting to prevent the clipping? I found something called .TooltipsConstraint that seems perfect, but it only applies to Flash objects.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Hi Francisco,

 Thanks for responding.  I'm not sure I can replicate the issue with a sample app, but I am attaching a screen shot so you can see the situation.  I'm guessing you may be right about it being related to the container, but please note in the image that one tooltip works and the other is cut off.  To clarify, my two questions again are:

 1) Is there a setting something like .TooltipsConstraint that might control this?  Or a way to BringToFront the tooltip?

 2) Is there a way I can isolate only certain tooltips to enable/disable them, sense their position,  or relocate them to the other side of the cursor?  Note that it is the tooltip related to the x-axis value that is being cut off; the other working tooltip displays the section name.

 Thank you again for any help,




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