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Chart FX for WPF Compatibility with VS2010 Beta 2

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Just a short post to let you know that Chart FX for WPF builds 3581 and later are compatible with Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. From now on our builds will include the following additional files in the Design folder

  • ChartFX.WPF.Design.VS2010.dll
  • ChartFX.WPF.VisualStudio.Design.VS2010.dll
  • ChartFX.WPF.Controls.Design.VS2010.dll
  • ChartFX.WPF.Motifs.HandDrawn.Design.VS2010.dll

Note that these files are only required for design time purposes, even if you do not have them (or you have an older Chart FX build) you should be able to compile your application using VS2010 Beta 2 and run it against the .NET framework 4.0.


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