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PSS service not serving multiple requests


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We are using web farm scenario in servers for Chart FX 7 and PSS service configured and started in both servers.

Itz all working fine if the number of requests is less. If the request exceeds, PSS service not serving the requests and chart fx images are not getting stored to the PSS configured location. During this meantime, PSS service is not stopped at all and chart is getting stored to the relative path and hence web farm scenario fails . Once the number of requests decreases, PSS service is working as expected.

Memory sliding time is set to 1 min in PSS configuration

So kindly let us know what is the serving capacity of PSS service in ChartFX and how this could be configured to maximum no. of requests




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  • 2 weeks later...

There is no limitation on the number of requests PSS can handle.

Please check the event log for any messages from PSS. You can increase the verbosity of these messages by modifying the PSS config file. For more information:

Q7622021. Troubleshooting the PSS Service

This article provides valuable information for troubleshooting problems with the PSS service.

URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/762/2/021.htm?_r=1

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  • 2 weeks later...

If a page has more than one chart, few charts are displaying with machine number as 1- or 2- as defined in PSS config and getting stored in PSS configured location as given in TempPath. Few charts are stored in chartfx70/temp and without machine number 1- or 2-

What could be the root cause of this issue? Kindly help us with this

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