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Everything posted by cosmin.onea

  1. More problems. I'm testing the chart with random data I generate from a mockup web-service. In fact the chart looks green,yellow and red but there is only one serie in it. So all my conditional attributes are ignored except the first one. Basically a part from my command line looks like this: -ConditionalAttributes_0_Series 0 -ConditionalAttributes_0_Condition_From "-1088.75874713471" -ConditionalAttributes_0_Color Green -ConditionalAttributes_1_Series 0 -ConditionalAttributes_1_Condition_From "-2177.51749426942" -ConditionalAttributes_1_Condition_To "-1088.75874713471" -ConditionalAttributes_1_Color Gold -ConditionalAttributes_2_Series 0 -ConditionalAttributes_2_Condition_To "-2177.51749426942" -ConditionalAttributes_2_Color Red -ConditionalAttributes_3_Series 1 -ConditionalAttributes_3_Condition_From "-2559.86984472716" -ConditionalAttributes_3_Color Green -ConditionalAttributes_4_Series 1 -ConditionalAttributes_4_Condition_From "-5119.73968945431" -ConditionalAttributes_4_Condition_To "-2559.86984472716" -ConditionalAttributes_4_Color Gold -ConditionalAttributes_5_Series 1 -ConditionalAttributes_5_Condition_To "-5119.73968945431" -ConditionalAttributes_5_Color Red The chart looks like the following: http://byfiles.storage.msn.com/y1pk5FAYs_Y-GX287i9yXC1FC2oxQLU9xDsyzM_K5w4RPEIeMb8g-xyora9SBtTmO2sr_JTzGwV-3g There is only one serie and only the first 3 conditional formats apply, those that have the Serie set to 0. If I add -datasourcesettings_style +Transpose to the command line it works but I come back to the original post: there is only one horizontal label "Total" and the "legend" contains the name of the companies. In this case the chart looks like: http://byfiles.storage.msn.com/y1pk5FAYs_Y-GUi7GwlF7hx4Yagwzwf49A_filpWSLOFUaz9k_VeidVcfopqb6mXiCRI4XyT7FmJeA Is there a way to have multiple series so I can apply the conditional attributes and preserve the company names as horizontal Labels? Cosmin.
  2. Sorry, I didnt make that clear. I dont need an automated installation as the number of machines is very limited.(around 10-15, how many managers we could have ). The problem is how to distribute the gadgets I create, not the powergadgets installer, in a way easy to understand and use by the users.So I was thinking of running the scripts from a shared folder. Cosmin.
  3. Ok, the graph looks pretty much ok now.How do I make the grid(below the chart) to show the values vertically instead of horizontally. now it looks like: C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 ............... this might get longerTotal 1000 2000 -1000 3000 34000Transpose the data basically but not affecting the chart.Something like: TotalC1 1000C2 2000C3 -1000C4 3000C5 34000Any way to achieve this? Thanks,Cosmin
  4. Solved the template problem. I was trying to load the pgf file instead a pgt(template). Cosmin
  5. Hi Marco, Thanks for the quick reply.Not sure yet how to load the powergadgets on clients. Maybe you can advice from your experience. I have to distribute the gadgets somehow to the business people who need it so what I'm thinking, instead of modifying everybody's profiles, is to load them in the script itself. The scripts will be used from a shared network folder. Initially I thought that I can distribute the pgf files themselves as self-contained monitoring gadgets but I need to do the drill-down part at some point and as I read in the documentation it can be done only by using scripts when the data set is different. Am I wrong? I need to show more figures(most probably a different web method on the webservice part) about a company when clicking on the total column in the main chart.I'm just playing around now and testing if the gadgets meet the requirements I have to implement. In the particular case I wrote about the gadgets are loaded on my machine from the powershell profile. I have it working now, no errors no warnings and everything works fine. I used invoke-expression as you adviced.One thing I noticed is that even though I specify a -template option the chart is always loaded with the defaults(line chart, instead of bar chart as the template was designed). Could this be because I data-bound it at design time and at runtime the datasource might be different? Should I put all the params in the command line just to be sure? Thanks again,Cosmin
  6. Please ignore this, I havent seen it was already answered. Hi, I think you could try AllSeries.Volume property. Decrease it and the bars will become thiner so you get some space in between.By default it is 75, try 50. Cosmin.
  7. Hi,I have a simple requirement to implement but I dont know where to start from and what are the best practices using PowerGadgets which, by the way, is the greatest monitoring tool I've seen so far.So here we go:Inside the company there is a need for an on-going monitoring of some financial figures.I created a webservice that prepares a dataset the gadgets will connect to.Few problems here. I'm not a charting expert so I need some advice on it.I have a list of companies(partners) and the account balance figures coresponding to each of them. For each company there is a specific credit limit also. I need to display a chart with the balance and also have some conditions for each company according to the credit limit. If the compapny is less than 90% of the credit limit the color of the bars should be green, 90%-100% yellow, more than 100% Red.If I get the data directly from the webservice and display it on the chart I have only one series and conditional attributes will apply to all the companies accordingly.The dataset is like:Company, CreditLimit, BalanceC1, 10000, 9500C2,10000,8900C3,12000,15000I hope you got the point. Somehow I need 1 serie for each company so I can set the conditional attributes. Tried to use the transpose opption but I lose the horizontal labels with company names and I get different colors for each. Another problem would be that because the CreditLimit is in the dataset I have to contruct the out-chart command dynamically to add all the conditional attributes.When I try the following PowerShell complains that out-chart is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program, or script file.$command = "out-chart "foreach company in $WSResponseDS add conditional attrs to $command$WSResponseDS | & $commandWhat is goning on here? Is the PowerShell starting a new shell when using "&" operator and the gadgets are not loaded or something? Do I have any other option not to build the string at run-time? Later on I'll have to add drill-down to the chart but my current issue is the above so any input is greatly appreciated. I'm using PG v1.0.2588.21909 Thanks,Cosmin.
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