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Everything posted by pre

  1. Hi, i am unable o export the chart Gallery Type. Tried using FileMask.All. I am able to export other aspects of a chart like font, title etc. Am I missing something? How can the Chart gallery Type be saved? chart.Export(FileFormat.Binary, stream); Thanks.
  2. pre


    Hi, I am plotting a multi series line chart, where certain values can be null. I end up with a broken line chart when using Chart.Hidden. I am building up a multi dimensional array of points, such that I am using Chart.Hidden to indicate null values. TestString1 111.2 TestString2 0.0 TestString3 0.0 TestString4 TestFloat4 400.25 1200.25 TestFloat2 200.25 1000.25 TestInt1 100 TestDateTime1 0.0 0.0 In the above example I have 8 series, with varying no. of points. I have null values as well as zero. I do not want to plot the null values. The X axis is Date Time. I did read a similar blog http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/p/9420/22668.aspx#22668 But in my case I just cannot ignore setting values if a point is null. The X axis is not a category x axis like in a bar chart... Any pointers on why the line chart is ending up broken.
  3. I am setting the chart.Titles[0].Text = "something" The problem is that the text gets cut off on both ends if the text is too long.. I understand that currently there is no option to wrap text. I am looking at inserting a new line every time the title goes beyond. For this I need to find the plot area, or the length available for displaying the title. Looking forward to a response Please.
  4. pre

    Chart Title

    Can ChartFX please reply back to this problem.... We are stuck with this issue.... Please
  5. pre

    Chart Title

    I am setting the chart.Titles[0].Text = "something" The problem is that the text gets cut off on both ends if the text is too long.. How can I get over this problem?? Is there something like a wrap text option available? Thanks.
  6. Hi, I am trying to plot TimeSpan values in a Pareto chart. The Timespan values are all integers i.e., representing the TimeSpan in minutes. The application allows the user to select a custom format to display a duration value, which can either be hh:mm:ss or minutes, seconds etc. What we have currently done, set the following properties for Y axis AxisY.DataFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Number; AxisY.DataFormat.Decimals = 0; AxisY.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 0; AxisY.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Number;The problem I am currently facing is that the numbers are not displayed in the right format while hovering the mouse over the series data. I have set the axis.DataFormat.CustomFormat to "hh:mm:ss", but what I see in the tooltip is "hh:mm:ss" instead of the value itself displayed in that format. Any thoughts?
  7. Thanks a lot...It works... i was of the idea, that since we are plotting an X value...the axis must be X....Thanks again !!!!
  8. Hello, I am trying to draw constant vertical lines on a Gantt chart, which has a DateTime X-Axis. I have set the ConstantLine.Value to DateTime .Now.ToOADate(); ConstantLine fBS= chart.ConstantLines[0]; fBS.Value = DateTime.Now.ToOADate();fBS.Axis = AxisItem.X; fBS.Color = Color.Red;fBS.Text = "test"; fBS.ShowLine = true; It does'nt seem to be working as I am not able to see that on my Gantt chart. Any help would be appreciated.
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