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Everything posted by StephenP

  1. First, ensure you are using the GridFX:CommandButton control and its Command property is CustomCommand. These are the defaults set by the wizard, so if you added it through that then you should be fine. All you need to do now is handle Grid's ExecutingCustomCommand event. That can be accessed via the Events tab in the Property Grid. In the event handler, the "e" (event args) parameter should have everything you need. However, the event args in the build you have doesn't include a grid item. To get the grid item for the button clicked, you can just use a static method on the GridItem class: GridItem item = GridItem.FindContainingItem(e.Source) We are in the midst of deploying a service pack update for Grid FX. It should be available in the next day. The good news is that the new version has a GridItem property in the event args. I highly recommend the update. Especially if you're using VS 2008.
  2. For a DataField to be shown inside a side bar only, you need to do the following: 1. Delete any columns that have the field in it. By the way, it's better to delete columns that you'll never use as opposed to setting Visible to false because the user could end up showing it through the API. This can be done in Edit Layout by selecting the column and choosing "Remove Selected" or in the property grid. 2. Add a side bar. Ensure the "Depends on Selection" is set. This way the side bar knows to use the data from the selected item. 3. Edit side bar template by clicking on the Side Bar and choosing "Edit SideBar Template" 4. Choose "Add Field" from the grid's smart tag. Select the field and click Accept. The Edit and Insert templates are built automatically during design time and runtime. To get the fields out of it, just use the Configure Input Settings wizard and edit those templates. Removing the fields is very easy that way. If this doesn't work, could you send me the markup?
  3. Unfortunately, at this time the location cannot be changed through the public API. What would expect from an API for that? Like, Grid.Editing.ErrorMessage.Placement, which would have a bunch of alignment options like the .NET ContentAlignment enum? Or would expect something else? Anything else besides that? Color, css classes, size, etc? Thanks. Once we know better what you (and others, I'm sure) want here we can deliver an update in an upcoming release.
  4. Hi, Thanks for using Grid FX. From the bunch of questions, it looks like you're getting into it. That's great. The insert template can be edited in the "Configure Input Settings" smart tag, or in the Edit Templates smart tag. Check out the Configure Input Settings, because it's a really cool wizard.
  5. Yes, it's included. It is in the "Help and Samples\Sample Applications\Real Estate" folder under your installation directory, which is typically C:\Program Files\Grid FX\Help and Samples\Sample Applications\Real Estate. It includes a full working application with many Grid FX samples. Does that answer your question?
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