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Posts posted by JuanC

  1. Starting in build 3958 (available as a hotfix here) we have fixed a couple of issues related to changing axis properties while the chart is 3D. In this case changing the stacked style requires an axis recalculation as the max will change.

    We are still researching if the fix takes care of all the issues but wanted to make it available as soon as possible in case this was stopping you.

    Please remember that if UAC is enabled in your machine you must make sure you run IE as an Administrator to apply the update. 


  2. We have uploaded a new build to support detection on a title. You are correct in the assumption that the MouseClick event only responds to clicks on data points but with the new build handling mouse down and using HitTest should return HitType.Title and the object property will hold the clicked title.

    You can pickup this change by downloading hotfix build 3951 or later here, note that if UAC is enabled in your machine you have to run IE as administrator. This page works for both users that purchased the product as well as trial users.


  3. Note that you posted a message in the "Chart FX for WPF" forum which is a different product than "Chart FX 7 for VS 2005".

    If you are in fact using ChartFX 7 for VS 2005 as you stated then you need something like this

      customGrid.ExtraStyle |= CustomGridLineStyles.BackOnly;

    If you are using Chart FX for WPF (as the screenshot seems to imply) then you need to make sure you download the most recent hotfix for ChartFX for WPF, the third number in the version for ChartFX.WPF.dll is the build number. ShowInFront was added in build 3693.


  4. We are not aware of any issues related with crashes or memory leaks. Can you post/send some sample files that could help us duplicate these issues?

    About the error reported by PowerShell, you can fix this issue by running installutil PowerGadgets.Commands.dll (installutil is located in the .NET framework bin folder), alternatively you can manually change the registry at


    The version in this registry key should match the version in PowerGadgets.Commands.dll, if you are using a 64bits OS you might also want to check the version under the WoW6432node.



  5. In general more time is spent generating the visuals of the chart than processing the data, so the answer would actually depend on the structure your app uses to hold/retrieve the data, if you have your data in arrays/CLR objects we would still recommend you use binding - i.e. ItemsSource - because it will make easier to style if necessary (labels, markers, etc.)

    It is preferable to use Chart.ItemsSource than Series.ItemsSource for large data sets.


  6. What exactly do you mean by "after a recent update"?

    You might want to check if you have an XML file named PowerGadgets.psc1 in the folder where PowerGadgets is installed, it is an XML file so you can open it in notepad and contents should be similar to this

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <PSConsoleFile ConsoleSchemaVersion="1.0">



      <PSSnapIn Name="PowerGadgets" />





  7. >> Also Is there a way to increase the refresh interval to greater than 1 hour?

    You can fine tune the Refresh Interval by selecting Advanced Settings in the tab to the right and scroll down to the RefreshInterval property in the Window category. We store the interval as a number of milliseconds inside the PGF so alternatively you could open the file in notepad and modify the RefreshInterval

    >> Is there a way to increase the amount of data points a chart can show?

    Unfortunately we do not expose any API to change this and no way to change it manually in the PGF. We will try to release a hotfix that solves this issue.


  8. Unfortunately in the current bits the data displayed on the data view is the same as the chart, and there is no way to exclude points from it. We are looking into ways we could open this up in future builds/versions.

    At the moment the only possible workaround would be to use your own grid along with the chart populating the grid with the low-resolution data, obviously you would lose some of the built-in look but it should be easily reproduced using a capable WPF grid. Additionally it is also possible to embed such grid inside the chart border by tweaking the chart template.


  9. Starting on build 3880 we changed our support for object properties, instead of doing ToString we will wait for the first element and then act according to its type. Please check the version of ChartFX.WPF.dll, if the build number (3rd number) is older than 3880 you can download our most recent hotfix.


  10. Starting on build 3880 we changed our support for object properties, instead of doing ToString we will wait for the first element and then act according to its type. Please check the version of ChartFX.WPF.dll, if the build number (3rd number) is older than 3880 you can download our most recent hotfix.


  11. This is a built-in behavior (showing the series content) on top of each pie that is only triggered when the chart diplays more than one series, unfortunately we do not have an API to change this behavior. You could achieve a similar result in single series charts adding a title to the chart, e.g.

      chart1.Titles.Add(new Title("Series Content goes here"));

    We will research if we can provide an API to change this so that you can reuse your code in single and multiseries charts. 


  12. Certain templates use another brush (defined in the palette as LayoutEffect) on top of your background, and this is where the green color appears. You can remove this using the following

      chart1.Template = ChartFX.WPF.Motifs.Basic.ChartTemplate;

    Please note that the Simple and Glass (default) motif do use this LayoutEffect brush, unfortunately we do not expose a property in the current build to change this.


  13. This works for me using the current bits

    chart1.Gallery =

    Gallery.Bar;ChartFX.WPF.Galleries.Bar bar = (ChartFX.WPF.Galleries.Bar) chart1.AllSeries.GalleryAttributes;bar.XValues = true;bar.XWidth = new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0);

    List<TestData> items = new List<TestData>();items.Add(new TestData() { Value = 10, Date = new DateTime(2009, 08, 24) });items.Add(new TestData() { Value = 12, Date = new DateTime(2009, 08, 25) });items.Add(new TestData() { Value = 9, Date = new DateTime(2009, 08, 28) });

    SeriesAttributes series = new SeriesAttributes();series.BindingPath = "Value";series.BindingPathX = "Date";chart1.Series.Add(series);

    chart1.AxisX.Labels.Format = AxisFormat.Date;//chart1.AxisX.Labels.CustomFormat = "MM-dd";

    chart1.ItemsSource = items;

    You can also uncomment the CustomFormat if you need to fine tune the labels.


  14. By default our bar chart does not support X values, the main reason for this is that in a line/area chart you can easily connect the points regardless of their spacing in X but a bar chart is typically drawn with all bars having the same width where your data points could be Jan 1, Jan 2, Jan 3, Feb 15.

    You can override this behavior by using the following code


    Bar bar = (ChartFX.WPF.Galleries.Bar) chart1.AllSeries.GalleryAttributes;bar.XValues = true;bar.XWidth = new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0); 

    Note that you can cast GalleryAttributes to Bar as long as the gallery property has already been set to Gallery.Bar. Also note that you have to specify the width of the bars which should normally be equal or smaller than the smallest distance between 2 points or you will get overlapping.


  15. You only need a converter if the property type does not match (I mentioned it because one of the posts included the property as a string). I tested binding both the PointLabels.Visibility and LegendBox.Visibility to a checkbox so I had to use it to bind it to IsChecked. It worked fine.

    You can download our most recent hotfix here (make sure you run IE as an Administrator if UAC is enabled).


  16. You can use "Tools" which is the default value for the TargetPanel attached property if you want to setup a binding and return "Inside" for axis charts and "Tools" for non-axis charts.

    BTW, "Inside" will in fact place the label on top of the pie and HorizontalAlignment is honored (obviously if available space is bigger than legend)

    If your space is constrained you might want to look at this


  17. Build 3890 should fix the binding issues related to AllSeries and PointLabels, I tested the bindings similar to your original post but setting up bindings to controls in the same page instead of using a viewmode, please note that for Visibility properties you need to use a converter.

    I could not duplicate the binding issues with the legend box, are you sure your code is not setting this property manually and thus removing the binding? Have you tried using a converter?


  18. We have historically always painted these "intermediate" grid lines (and yes they are considered major gridlines) because this is the grid layout that people immediately relate with a logarithmic axis.

    It does look a little crowded so any build marked 3888 or later will support an AxisStyle to turn them off, e.g.

      chart1.AxisY.AxisStyle |= AxisStyles.HideIntermediateLogLines; 

    This build should be available in a day or two. 


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