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Everything posted by JuanC

  1. JuanC

    Dynamic charts

    The decision on whether you need transforms or not depends entirely on how your data looks like, can you explain what your data (CLR objects, XML, etc.) looks like? JuanC
  2. Actually the code should be chart1.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[chart1.Series].Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Note that the index used for the ItemAttributes property is the series collection (not one of the series), if you are using our most recent service pack you can also do it in XAML as follows <cfx:Chart.LegendBox> <cfx:LegendBox> <cfx:LegendBox.ItemAttributes> <cfx:LegendItemAttributes cfx:LegendItemAttributes.LegendItemType="Series" Visibility="Hidden"/> </cfx:LegendBox.ItemAttributes> </cfx:LegendBox> </cfx:Chart.LegendBox> JuanC
  3. Please try setting the Content property on the ConditionalAttributes object, e.g. <cfx:ConditionalAttributes Fill="Red" Content="Less than Average"> You can also use Visuals if desired. JuanC
  4. JuanC


    We support 2 kinds of animation 1) When Data Changes: This is enabled by default, it will happen if you change one of the values plotted in the chart or if you change the whole data source and the number of points and series (and axes scales) remains the same 2) When the chart is loaded: This is disabled by default but you can enable it by doing chart1.Animation.OnLoad = true or in XAML <cfx:Chart.Animation> <cfx:AnimationAttributes OnLoad="true" /> </cfx:Chart.Animation> JuanC
  5. JuanC

    Grid labels

    You might need to set the number of decimals in the Y axis to 1 or 2, e.g. chart1.AxisY.Labels.Decimals = 2; JuanC
  6. These 2 issues have been fixed on build 3609 JuanC
  7. Currently we do not support CurveArea in 3D. This is something we already have on our TODO list for future versions. JuanC
  8. This post discusses functionality in Chart FX for WPF 8.1. For more information click here. Chart FX for WPF 8.0 includes support for data transforms including OtherTransform and CrosstabTransform. These transforms work with the data as a whole and they will typically affect the shape of the data i.e. they will affect the number of series or points plotted in your chart. Sometimes to analyze the data more effectively you also need minor tweaks on how the data is plotted, to accomplish this we will be supporting a new concept called Series Transforms. A series transform is a class that affects the values plotted for a single series, a very simple yet useful example would be to plot the percentage of change from the previous value, e.g. let
  9. Chart FX for WPF 8.1 represents the next evolutionary step on our WPF charting tool, soon after 8.0 was released we branched out and started working on several features that either had to be cut from 8.0 because of the schedule or have been suggested by customer feedback. This post will serve as a centralized FAQ for this release. Q. Release Date The current plan is to release an open beta in the December/January timeframe, if you participated in the 8.0 beta don
  10. Make sure you clear the series collection in case the chart already has data (or was displayed with random data). Also remove the AxisX.DataPath setting, this is useful when the gallery does not "natively" support X values (e.g. Bar) but you still want smart labels in the X axis typically dates. If you don't want the lines connecting the points you should set the Gallery to Scatter. JuanC
  11. JuanC

    Pie Chart

    To change the look of the 3D Pie you can set the Gallery Templates using one of the following lines chart1.GalleryTemplates = ChartFX.WPF.Motifs.Basic.GalleryTemplates; chart1.GalleryTemplates = ChartFX.WPF.Motifs.Simple.GalleryTemplates; Note that our design time wizard also allows you to change this through the UI Finally, we do not support separating pie slices in ChartFX for WPF. I am guessing you are referring to the ChartFX for WinForms/WebForms gallery. JuanC
  12. Actually you can also use the Basic style which allows you to specify background/border brushes needed as follows chart1.Style = ChartFX.WPF.Motifs.Basic.Style You can also set it in XAML similar to the previous post. The Floating style will ignore border/background but it also adds some additional behaviors where we try to inherit other colors from your app. Also note that setting Palette to null is ignored so you should not do that. JuanC
  13. >> Line appearing below the data point We modified our templates to fix this issue with sharp angles >> Connecting points in line There is an optimization feature that tries to handle a chart with thousands of points (or more) and a small number of pixels, and a bug on this code was the one causing the problem, it has been fixed on build 3595. You can also workaround this problem with the following code ((ChartFX.WPF.Galleries.Line) chart1.AllSeries.GalleryAttributes).CollapseDistance = 0; JuanC
  14. There is an optimization feature that tries to handle a chart with thousands of points (or more) and a small number of pixels, and a bug on this code was the one causing the problem, it has been fixed on build 3595. You can also workaround this problem with the following code ((ChartFX.WPF.Galleries.Line) chart1.AllSeries.GalleryAttributes).CollapseDistance = 0; JuanC
  15. Can you create a small sample app that duplicates this issue? You can directly email the app to support at softwarefx dot com if you do not want to post it in this forum. JuanC
  16. You can get the labels you need by handling the Axis.GetLabel event as follows chart1.AxisY.GetLabel += new AxisLabelEventHandler(OnAxisYLabel); private void OnAxisYLabel (object sender, AxisLabelEventArgs e) { double d = e.Value; string format; if (d >= 1000000) { format = "$#,0.##M"; d /= 1000000; } else if (d >= 1000) { format = "$#,0.##K"; d /= 1000; } else format = "$#,0.##"; e.Text = d.ToString(format); } JuanC
  17. This is by design. In the case of the X axis we do have a CLR object to give you as the data for your template but not in the Y axis. Note that in the same chart you could show different Y axis labels just by resizing although the data remains the same. To control the formatting you can use AxisY.Labels.Format, AxisY.Labels.Decimals and/or AxisY.Labels.CustomFormat. JuanC
  18. This issue has been fixed on build 3594 (available as a hotfix). In Axis charts (Bar, Line, etc.) a hidden series will still "contribute" to the axis scale while a collapsed series will not. In Pie chart there should be no difference between the 2. JuanC
  19. This issue has been fixed on build 3594 or later, it was related to a memory leak we recently fixed. JuanC
  20. You can update to the most recent hotfix here This URL works for both Trial and Release versions. Note that if UAC is enabled you have to run IE as an Administrator. JuanC
  21. The code to support this feature is already on our hotfix build. JuanC
  22. You have to download our most recent hotfix at http://support.softwarefx.com/cfxwpf/update/hotfix/hotfix.htm Note that the hotfix works for both trial and release versions. Also note that if UAC is enabled you must run IE as an Administrator as it will update your ChartFX files with a new version.
  23. This bug is related to the titles in the Y axes, we are actively working on this issue but as a temporary workaround I would recommend you comment out the code where you set the AxisY Title property. Note that you can create a Title, set its DockPanel.Dock attached property to Dock.Left and add it to the Chart's global collection of titles, this will show a single title to the left explaining what the Y axes are plotting. JuanC
  24. Sometimes we write small classes to be used in the chart context but they could be useful in other scenarios. RoundClipBorder is one of these classes, it derives from Border but it will clip its content using a rounded border. Let
  25. Just a short post to let you know that Chart FX for WPF builds 3581 and later are compatible with Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. From now on our builds will include the following additional files in the Design folder ChartFX.WPF.Design.VS2010.dll ChartFX.WPF.VisualStudio.Design.VS2010.dll ChartFX.WPF.Controls.Design.VS2010.dll ChartFX.WPF.Motifs.HandDrawn.Design.VS2010.dll Note that these files are only required for design time purposes, even if you do not have them (or you have an older Chart FX build) you should be able to compile your application using VS2010 Beta 2 and run it against the .NET framework 4.0. JuanC
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