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Posts posted by Frank

  1. The Update Panel doesn't support tags ( Flash, Chart FX or any other Active Object).

    You need to render as image or put the chart outside of the update panel and use alternative AJAX calls to refresh it.

    Take a look at the following KB article for more info:

    Q7651001. Chart FX for VS 2005 and AJAX

    URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/765/1/001.htm?_r=1

  2. Do you have the OLEDB provider for OLAP installed?

    The error says "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed".

    Can you connnect to OLAP dataSources otherwise (othern than using Chart FX).

    If your computer is 64-Bit will need both 32-Bit and 64-Bit version of this provider.

  3. 1) For the first problem you will need to post a working sample that reproduces the exception. You shouldn't get any when the chart is resized.

    2) You can not add new pages to the propeties dialog. You need to provide you own using a custom command.

    3) A tutorial showing how to customize the toolbar/menubar is located in the resource center and on-line docs and samples here:



  4. Add the line at the end:

    Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Num_Deals", FieldUsage.Value))

         'Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("BuyOutExitType", FieldUsage.Value))

      Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Sold_For_USD", FieldUsage.Value))

    Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Heading", FieldUsage.Label))

    Then, after the data is read, set:

    chart.Series[1].Gallery = Gallery.Lines; // Last series is series 1 (2 series)

  5. Because you are using crosstab, the number of series will be dependant on your data.

    You want to add a line to this chart, but where is the data form the line comming from? The same cross-tab?

    If the data is comming from somewhere else, waht you need to do is let Chart FX do its crosstab magic and after the data is read (you can call chart.DataSourceSettings.ReadData to force a read), then you can add one more series to the chart and use the data API to set the values to this new series (last).

  6. The dates displayed in the X-Axis correspond to a range, they do not necesarilly match the dates in your data. You can have data comming every day and yet have labels in the X-Axis displaying months.

    The end-of-the-month date that you see indicates when the month of data ends.

    There are basically 2 paradigms to label the X-Axis:

    - As a range, independent of the data points (except for the range).

    - As each individual point.

    If you want your labels to be those of each specific point, you must then assignthen as labels and not as X-values (default) when you do your binding (see FieldUsage.Label for details). Notice that doing this will eliminate all the automatic adjusting of label steps (days, moths, years) in the X-axis.

  7. They will be displayed in the order in which they are created.

     To ensure the order you want do this in the form-load (do not turn on the toolbar at design time):

    chart1.MenuBar.Visible =


    chart1.ToolBar.Visible = true;

    annotation.ToolBar.Visible = true;

    As for the ManuBar customization, the menubar is a toolbar too, it has the same API.


  8. The x-value must be bound as an X-Value (FieldUsage.XValue), the value (vertical position) and size are two separate series (FieldUsage.Value), the first is the position and the second is the size.

  9. Martin,

    Can you please post an example of your data, a picture of what generated and a picture of wehat you would want instead. I'm having trouble understanding what you are trying to describe.

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