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Posts posted by AndreG

  1. chart1.Commands[CommandId.Gallery].SubCommands.RemoveAt(galleryIndex);

    Here is a list of Galleries and Indexes

    [0] - Lines

    [1] - Curves

    [2] - Area

    [3] - Curved Area

    [4] - Step

    [5] - Bubble

    [6] - Scatter

    [7] - Bars

    [8] - Horizontal Bars

    [9] - Cubes

    [10] - Candlestick

    [11] - OpenHighLowClose

    [12] - HighLowClose

    [13] - Pie

    [14] - Doughnut

    [15] - Combined

    [16] - Triangle

    [17] - Radar

    [18] - Contour

    [19] - Surface

    If multiple galleries will be removed, remove higher index first.

  2. Although not very visible, changing the BorderEffect on bubbles is working. Try setting the bubble to white and the bordereffect it to Light, then to Dark to see the difference.

    To set the color of the border you need to set BorderEffect to None. This information can be found in the documentation, under PointAttributes.BorderColor Property. Here is a link to the onine version of that page. It has some more useful information.


  3. Sure you can create charts dynamically using Chart FX. I am assuming you have already downloaded the trial, so here is all you need to do.

    Chart chart1 = new Chart();

    chart1.ID = "Chart1";

    chart1.Height = 400;

    chart1.Width = 600;


    Another way you can do this (and have even more control of your charts) is instanciate the chart on code behind and export it. Exporting will create three streams: the chart image, the html image tag and the html image map. You can then modify it (if necessary) and add it to the page. Here is some sample code for that.

    Chart chart1 = new Chart();System.IO.FileStream fileStream;System.IO.StreamWriter imgMapText;System.IO.StreamWriter htmlTag;

    fileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(Server.MapPath("chart.jpg"), System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite);imgMapText = System.IO.File.CreateText(Server.MapPath("MapTags.txt"));htmlTag = System.IO.File.CreateText(Server.MapPath("HTMLTag.txt"));chart1.ImageSettings.ToolTips = ImageToolTipStyle.AsTitle;chart1.ID = "TestChart";chart1.RenderFormat = "Jpeg";

    chart1.RenderToStream(fileStream, imgMapText, htmlTag);


  4. 1) You are looking for Conditional Attributes. Take a look at the resource center for a sample

    2) The bubbles will stagger automatically (if I understand what you mean by stagger). The floating to the front part is what I am not sure what you mean. That might be a customization that you will have to develop yourself.

    3) Not sure what you mean.

  5. I created a little sample web application that demonstrates DrillDown on a Bubble chart. I basically store the ID (employee name on my sample) in the Tag of the points. Then I use that tag to create a Link for every point (using Query Strings). Note that the drilldown will require a PostBack. The newest version of Chart FX (Chart FX 7) has integrated Ajax features that would allow for the drilldown to happen without a PostBack.

  6.  Here is a winforms sample of a bubble chart that gets data from an access db. The API for win and web is the same, so it should work. Note that I associate the second series (index 1) to the secondary Y axis so I can scale it and that way control the size of the bubbles. If you comment that line out or change the Max value, you will see how the size of the bubble changes.

  7.  Whenever I see the CFX61B0-3 error, the first thing I do is check to see that the ChartFX70 virtual folder was created in IIS and that it in fact points to to the correspondent ChartFX70 folder inside the installation folder. Also that the folder contains the Download and Temp sub-folders. I believe this is true in your scenario, just figured I posted it here if someone else is having the same issue.

    Now, as far as permission goes, I belive all you gotta do is enable anonymous access to the virtual directory in IIS. So not Everyone needs Full Control, just IIS (and the impersonated user) needs access to read those files.


    Im assuming you are not ussing any kind of authentication, am I correct?

  8.  As a workaround maybe you could measure the distance between the bottom of the chart and the bottom of the pane (assuming you dont have anything docked on the bottom of your chart, like the datagrid). That should be and indication of the size taken by the labels.

    chart1.Height - chart1.Panes[0].BoundingRectangle.Bottom;


    Edit: Sorry, wrong Chart FX version...


  9.  Try the code bellow. Notice I use the %l parameter to grab the labels from the X Axis. The X Axis is not drawn in a Pyramid chart, but it's labels populate the Legend Box as well in these types of chart (as well as in pie and doughnut). The pointlabels format parameters are the same as the ones for the tooltip format. They can be found in the API, under ToolTipFormat property of the chart class. Also note I increased the right margin to avoid clipping.


    chart1.Data.Series = 1;chart1.Data.Points = 4;chart1.Data[0, 0] = 13;chart1.Data[0, 1] = 20;chart1.Data[0, 2] = 17;chart1.Data[0, 3] = 9;chart1.AxisX.Labels[0] = "First Point";chart1.AxisX.Labels[1] = "2nd Point";chart1.AxisX.Labels[2] = "Third";chart1.AxisX.Labels[3] = "Last Point";chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Pyramid;chart1.AllSeries.PointLabels.Visible = true;chart1.AllSeries.PointLabels.Format = "%l";chart1.AllSeries.PointLabels.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;chart1.AllSeries.PointLabels.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;chart1.PlotAreaMargin.Right = 50;


  10.  The legendbox should show the colors by default. The following sample code will reproduce the attached chart. Could you post an image and some sample code to reproduce what you currently have?


    chart1.Data.Series = 1;chart1.Data.Points = 4;chart1.Data[0, 0] = 13;chart1.Data[0, 1] = 20;chart1.Data[0, 2] = 17;chart1.Data[0, 3] = 9;chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Pyramid;

  11.  There is a difference between the legend box shown in a Pie chart and in a Bar chart (for instance). In a Bar chart (and most other types of charts) each item in the legend box represents a Series, while in a Pie chart each item represents a Point. To change the color of a slice in a Pie and have your change be reflected in the legend box, try the following sample.


    ChartServer chart1 = new ChartServer(pageContext,request,response);chart1.getData().setSeries(1);chart1.getData().setPoints(4);java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random(1);for (int i = 0; i < chart1.getData().getPoints(); i++){   for (int j = 0; j < chart1.getData().getSeries(); j++)   {     chart1.getData().set(j, i,r.nextDouble()* 80);   }}chart1.setGallery(Gallery.PIE);chart1.getPoints().get(0).setColor(java.awt.Color.LIGHT_GRAY);chart1.renderControl();

  12.  Personally I have never tried. But I don't see why not. You could design your chart using the available pluggin, then instanciate your chart in your project and import the xml the plugging generates. I believe that the reason why Eclipse is mentioned in the documentation is because Software FX offers a plugging for that IDE (besides the stand alone plugging which anyone could use). I believe the best way here would be for you to try it and post your experience in the forums.

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