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Export ChartFX charts to MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint and PDF


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Hi ChartFX,

I'm using ChartFX 7.0 for ASP.NET 2.0 web application. We have requirement of generating various charts and export them to Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and PDF.

I know ChartFX charts can be exported to various image formats and clipboard as well. But to make use of these images/clipboard in my Word/Excel/Powerpoint/PDF, I've to use COM/Interops in my .NET application which is not recommended because it hits the performance drastically. So I do not want to use COM / Interops in my ASP.NET application.

Here, I'm looking for a method or code snippet through which I can export my chart directly to .doc, .xls, .ppt and .pdf file formats. Additionally, after export, I shall be able to send my exported file to anywhere and see the chart images in it without sending images separately.



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Exporting a chart in to  Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint or PDF is not a supported feature of our product. What you can do, is use the chart export method, export your chart as an image and then simply place this image into your Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet, MS Word document, Powerpoint or PDF file.


Regards RB

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