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Histogram X Axis Labeling (Decimals)


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I have tried every bit of sample code and every combination of property settings I could think of.  I am hoping someone will have a suggestion.

I have a rather basic Histogram using one series of data.  The values I am plotting can be very close together (max = 10.209, min=9.6105).  There are an average of 5000 records in the set.  No matter what I try, the X axis only shows a label of "10".  I need it to show at least 5 labels (with 3-5 decimal places).

Here is a snippet of my code, any help will be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

Dim Stat as Statistical.Statistics

Stat.Gallery.Current = Statistical.Galleries.Gallery.HistogramWith Stat.Gallery.Histogram

.ShowLimits =


.ShowNormal =


.AxisX.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 5

.Intervals = 50

.AxisX.ForceZero =


End With


ch As New Chart

(SNIPPED) Set up datasource and fieldmappings)

Stat.Chart = chWith ch

.AxisX.ForceZero =


.AxisY.ForceZero =


.LegendBox.Visible =


.DataGrid.Visible =


.AxisX.DataFormat.Decimals = 5

.AxisX.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 5

.ImageSettings.Height = 500

.ImageSettings.Width = 775

End With
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