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Multiple AxisX and scroll


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I have two X axis : 1st shows hours and 2nd shows the days.

When I zoom the graph, the two scroll bars are correctly set. When I scroll one scrollBar, the other doesn't reflect the new scrollposition.

Is ChartFX able to do that with some axis configuration, or must I use the UserScroll event ?

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  • 2 months later...

I am afraid it isn't any property that can simultaneously scroll both scrollbars. If you need to handle this, you can use the following event code:

protected void chart1_UserScroll(object sender, AxisEventArgs e)


if (e.Axis.ToString() == "Main X Axis")


  chart1.AxesX[1].ScrollPosition = chart1.AxesX[0].ScrollPosition;




chart1.AxesX[0].ScrollPosition = chart1.AxesX[1].ScrollPosition;



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