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RealTime web sample, x-axis scrolling

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On your corporate site, http://demo.softwarefx.com/chartfx/aspnet/ajaxsamples/, you have an AJAX realtime demo that illustrates the x-axis scrolling once the maximum limit of points appear on the chart series.

Can you offer the specific steps that must be followed, and in what order, to duplicate this effect?  We are using two series of data, and the data will not start a "0" x-axis value but will need to offer the scrolling "realtime" effect on the x-axis that the demo illustrates.

I have the sample code, and already understand the "pointCount" algorithm thats used, and I set the RealTime.Mode = RealTimeMode.Scroll at my max point count.  Additionally, I also add my data using BeginAddData( nPoints, RealTimeAction.Append ) and EndAddData( true, true)

Your thoughts are appreciated.


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