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Cross Browser support - FireFox


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I am evaluating the trail version of Chart FX
7 for Java for the last couple of days. I am able to generate charts and use the
context menu to change the font, graph type etc in I.E. without any issues. When
I try to do the same in FireFox, I am getting JavaScript exception. The chart
is rendering fine in FireFox, but the context menu is not working. For e.g. when I try to change the font, I am seeing this JS error

 theForm is undefined
Line 51


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Thanks for your e-mail. I am testing in FireFox 3.0.3. I confirmed this in FireFox 2.0.X too. I am loading the content of the chart in an IFrame. I am not sure whether this is the issue.


<iframe src="servlet/ChartFxViewer" width="645px" height="100%"></iframe>




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