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Right click on series re-enables Gallery


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 I am using 7.0.2664.18481 of the WinForms Chart control and am experiencing what seems like odd behavior.  I issue the code line shown below in order to disable control of the Gallary via each of the tool-bar and pop-up menus.  The problem that I am having is that if I right click on an actual series, the Gallery buttons (in all places) become re-enabled and remain re-enabled from then on.  This does not seem like the correct behavior.  Is there some way to prevent it?

 To reproduce, simply drop a chart on a form and put the following line in the OnLoad method.

Me.Chart1.Commands(ChartFX.WinForms.CommandId.Gallery).Enabled = False

The right click in empty space and you'll see that the gallery is disabled.  Then, right click on a series and it is now enabled not only in the pop-up menu but also on the toolbar if that is visible.  Any help is appreciated.



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