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ChartFx 7 for Java "NullPointerException" Error.


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Does anyone knows what this  error means?

Tomcat5 is works, but the chart doesn't show.

(Use ChartFx 7 for Java Trial Version.)


ERROR[org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:253)]- Servlet.service() for servlet action threw exceptionjava.lang.NullPointerException at com.softwarefx.sfxnet.internal.kt.&ltinit>(SourceFile:33) at com.softwarefx.chartfx.server.internal.aw.&ltinit>(SourceFile:7) at com.softwarefx.chartfx.server.internal.Internal.OutputFileHandler.a(SourceFile:175) at com.softwarefx.chartfx.server.internal.Internal.OutputFileHandler.a(SourceFile:190) at com.softwarefx.chartfx.server.internal.cj.a(SourceFile:148) at com.softwarefx.chartfx.server.internal.Chart.nz(SourceFile:4547) at com.softwarefx.chartfx.server.internal.Chart.a(SourceFile:4273) at com.softwarefx.sfxnet.internal.jq.e(SourceFile:117) at com.softwarefx.chartfx.server.internal.Chart.nB(SourceFile:4733) at com.softwarefx.chartfx.server.ChartServer.renderControl(SourceFile:71) at org.apache.jsp.da_005fservice.simpletest.ChartTest_jsp._jspService(ChartTest_jsp.java:531).......


Thanks for the help.

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There were some issues in some systems with the license validation on previous versions of the Chart FX 7 for Java Installation. Please go to our website and download the latest trial installer.


 Simply run the installation again and if you are working on an existing application, please make sure to use the new cfxjava70.lic file created in the chartfx70/config folder fo the cfxjava70_samples reference application in your installation directory. That should solve any problems.

 Let me know if you continue to run into issues.



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Thank you for your reply.

I have another question now.

This question's contents is add in my first question's contents.


My tomcat5's folder hierarchy

tomcat5 -----

          | ----- webapps -----

                                        | ----- cfxjava70_samples

                                        | ----- simpletest


cfxjava70_samples's chart does show, but another my simpletest page's chart doesn't show.

What this case means?


Thanks for the help.

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Please note that the temporary images generated by Chart FX will be saved inside a ChartFX70/Temp folder. The generated Html will look for the image in  the relative path "/chartfx70/temp/image.png". In the case of the simpletest application, have you copied the required Chart FX folders and made the necessary changes  to the web.xml file?

 Please refer to the article titled "Integrating Chart FX 7 to an existing application" located in the Quick Start Section of the programmers guide:


That should provide the necessary detail to help you configure your own app.

Hope it helps.




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