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ChartFX 6.2 ASP.Net - embedding license in dll


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I am running VS2008 on Vista. I have a asp.net 2.0 application which is using chart fx 6.2.2839. I would like to deploy chartfx with the license embedded in the DLL so as I don't have to install Chart FX on the web server.

I have read the article about this and performed the following:

a. Added this line to my licenses.licx file   SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Internet.Server.Chart, ChartFX.Internet

b. All the ChartFX.dll, ChartFX.Data.dll etc... that I use are in the bin folder for the project.

c. Build the project (which adds a App_Licenses.dll to my bin folder).

d. Deploy/ftp the project to the web server. 

Then I get the "Invalid ChartFX Error 31000000". Is there something I'm missing? Where do I put in the license code?

It runs fine when I run it on my local development machine. I installed ChartFX for development on this machine, though there is nothing extra/different in the local project.




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The Chart FX license doesn't allow for that. Chart FX WebForms is licensed per-server, you need a different license for each server on which you want to install.

If your application uses Chart FX and you want it to be deployed to servers that don't have a Chart FX license you need an OEM agreement. Please call Software FX sales for details.

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 Hi Frank,

I am aware of the licenseing requirements. I have a production server license for the server in question. I want to know if I can deploy chart fx without having to run the chartfx install. You have an article describing this here:

 Q6101010. How to manually add a Chart FX license to an executable

Can you please look at my original question with this in mind.



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I am aware of the KB article you mentioned, in fact, I was the one who wrote it. 

This article however, deals with adding the license to an EXE, which is not your case (in this case the EXE is IIS which you have no control over). Even if you embed the license into your dll, this will not work, we only look for the license in the EXE not in any wrapper dlls.

There is only two ways of having Chart FX running inside IIS:

1) To run the Chart FX Installer in that server

2) To obtain an OEM license that you can embed in your web application.

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