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Charts Not Showing on Web Page


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After many moons of consistent use the chartfx 6.2 charts are not showing up.  The situation is:

 IE7 on WinXP accessing pages written with VS2003 where the chart is set to auto.

No errors are given and the source on the client looks like this:

 <object id="Management_Chart" classid="/chartfx62/download/ChartFX.MainClient.DLL#SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Internet.MainClient" WIDTH="330px" HEIGHT="320px" >

 <PARAM NAME="DataPath" VALUE="/chartfx62/temp/CFT0710_03215508C3B.chw">

 <PARAM NAME="AssemblyTarget" VALUE="ChartFX.Internet.Client, Version=6.2.2211.19403, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a1878e2052c08dce" >

 <PARAM NAME="ClassTarget" VALUE="SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Internet.Client.Chart" >


Interestingly, directly browsing to the folders on the webserver with the client will allow the client to download the chw files.

 I have searched the forums and the web without finding any comments that relate to a situation like this.

 Any ideas?



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