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The size of Pie chart


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I don't know about the chartFX. I have just using Dlls from our render developer to create report, and our developer has quit the job recently. Now I use ToolBar and found problem. I don't even know this whole interface of ToolBar from chartFX or our developer created using ToolBar.

My problem is that the size of pie chart is very small and I guess this problem has caused from ToolBar. Other charts are ok but when I choose pie or daughnut chart from Gallery, our interface always display three series and my report reflects first series. I guess these three series from the interface has the problem, and I tried to remove the other two series from interface, but I couldn't find.

My question is how I remove the other two series from the interface or there is a way our interface displays only one pie chart? I hope you understand my writing. It will better if your forum has capability to attach screen shot.


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