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GANTT, Datasource und VB


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 I can't found a sample and an explanation for creating a GANTT from Datasource with Visual Basic.Hereby my two lines:


New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_ID", FieldUsage.XValue))Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_CREATION_DATE", FieldUsage.Value))

How can I define the End_Date?





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I found it myself:


New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_ID", FieldUsage.XValue))Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_CREATION_DATE", FieldUsage.FromValue))


New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_FINISH_DATE", FieldUsage.Value))


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  • 1 month later...

Now the next question:


New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_ID", FieldUsage.XValue))ChartWorksstreamGantt.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_NAME", FieldUsage.Label))ChartWorksstreamGantt.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_ACT_START", FieldUsage.FromValue))ChartWorksstreamGantt.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_ACT_FINISH", FieldUsage.Value))ChartWorksstreamGantt.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_START_DATE", FieldUsage.FromValue))ChartWorksstreamGantt.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New ChartFX.WinForms.FieldMap("TASK_FINISH_DATE", FieldUsage.Value))

I have a 2nd series.But the 2nd start and enddate  will not work.

Whats my failure?




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Chris: Have you checked the Dreamhouse Gantt sample that is available in the Chart FX resource center. They display a lot of Gantt functionality in that sample. To check it out: Open the Chart FX 7 Resource Center (Start menu or from VS from teh Smart Tag Wizard), Go to chart types and select gantt. They provide the VS sample with code.


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