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Pricing question

Smiling Jim

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 Is there an option to buy part of Chart FX for java software? Or may be smaller version with reduced feature set and/or smaller brunch or visual effects.

You made a great job and I wish I could use it legally. But 4500$ (sic!) for few charts is too much for a web site. I mean that here is no need for all the power of Chart FX provide.

Probably I'm not the first who ask this question, sorry if so. I just can't find an answer.

 Yours, Jim. 


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You may send an email to Sales (SalesAtSoftwarefx.com), they could answer your question better that I can, perhaps they are running an special...Actually they do! http://www.softwarefx.com//regionalpromotions/landing.aspx/?sPromotionCode=WMPDEAL08 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

If you want to migrate to more affordable platform as .NET, there is always a free version for Winforms and a very inexpensive version for .NET webforms ($149)


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