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Left Margin with different length X-Axis labels


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I use the same chart for several different sets of data. When the user switches from a set with long text labels (X-Axis) to one with short text labels they get a large margin on the left. Below is 3 screenshots, the 1st and last the same chart that has changed when the middle shot has been selected in between. Is there a way of forcing the chart to resize the space it allows for the X-Axis labels? Thanks. 


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I can't replicate the issue. After changing a chart with long x-axis labels to a chart with short x-axis labels, the chart drawing area is recalculated again. Please try the following:

chart1.UpdateSizeNow(); // call this after assigning the x-axis labels

Also, make sure you have the latest service pack of Chartfx 7 installed.



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