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Format guage


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Especially because I still cannot configure the grid using visual studio designer, due to a control error, I need to do things in program code.

 For example I want to set up a column with a circular guage and another with a traffic light.

The only program example I could find anywhere shows only how to do a linear guage:


It looks like the NumberFormatter may be the solution but I see no guidance or examples on how to link it to a column with a guage.

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In regards the sample that shows how to add a Radial Gauge, you can find a full VS2005 sample installed with Grid FX called "RealEstate", in that sample open the form called "Layout_Gauges". There you will find the following:

// a NumberField object is cast as grid amount field

GridFX.WebForms.NumberField numField = (GridFX.WebForms.NumberField)Grid1.DataFields["amount"];

// Default display setting is changed to Gauge

numField.Format.Display = GridFX.WebForms.NumberDisplayType.Gauge;

// Let's show a radial gauge

ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.RadialGauge Gauge1 = new ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.RadialGauge();

// Let's create a RadialScale object, later used to add sections to the gauge

ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.RadialScale radialScale1 = new ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.RadialScale();

// INCLUDE HERE YOUR settings to personalize your Gauge

ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.Section gSection1 = new ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.Section();

gSection1.Bar.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(124, 252, 0);

gSection1.Max = 280000;

gSection1.Min = 0;


//Let's format the gauge with all previously customized attributes (Section/Indicator/needle/RadialScale)

numField.Format.Gauge = Gauge1;

Please post a screen shot with the control error you mentioned.

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