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ChartFX 7 equivalent chart.UserLegendBoxObj.Continuous = true;


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I am trying to reproduce some functionality I had in chartfx 6 in ChartFX 7.
In ChartFX 6
The legend boxes on the right are joined together using

_chart.UserLegendBoxObj.Continuous = true;



With ChartFX 7 I get the following:

custLegeItem = new CustomLegendItem();


custLegeItem.MarkerShape = MarkerShape.Rect;

custLegeItem.Border.Visible =


_chart.LegendBox.CustomItems.Add (custLegeItem);

I can't work out a way of getting the legend boxes to join ( and resize also).
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The definition for UserLegendBox.Continuous is "Sets the key markers of the user legend box as a single continuous bar with no borders". Therefore maybe you want to place the legend items horizontally..You may want to post a picture of what you want to accomplish.

Finally I did a search for ContentLayout in Chart FX 7.0 resource center and I found this:

chart1.LegendBox.ContentLayout = ContentLayout.Center;

chart1.LegendBox.ContentLayout = ContentLayout.Far;<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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I have also emailed this to support@softwarefx.com. That email contained pictures There is no way to attach pictures to messages so will link to attachments on my support call.

in chartfx 6.0 using continuous = true;


in chartfx 7 notice above the legend items are longer and 'continuous'. below they are not.


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