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Production installation


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I've installed the production (not development) version of Chart F/X on a windows 2003 Server (Enterprise) with the lates sp's and IIS 6.0. Chart F/X refuses to display a chart. The browser continues to chug away, eating all of the cpu but never returns a chart. I've reinstalled and downloaded the lates chart f/x, reinstalled IIS 6.0, opened up all the permissions for chart f/x.  Any ideas as to where to start looking for the problem?

 Thank you, Steve

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I came across this issue when i deployed chartfx for the first time. make sure you have modified you web.config file and added the appropriate handlers. the modification which i had to make is below:

<add path="ChartFX.aspx" verb="*" type="ChartFX.Pss.HttpHandler,ChartFX.Pss.HttpHandler"/>


here is a useful article available within the knowledgebase which provides a step wise description of the whole deployment process.
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