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License Error (1000000) message


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I am using ChartFX Client Server 6.2 and seeing a License Error (1000000) message when running my application on another computer. In one of the existing posts I saw that to avoid this I need to invoke a SetLicenseString() before creating a chart. And I need a "License String" for that.

I've tried contacting SoftwareFX support for the License String, but there was no reply - could anyone help me on this issue?

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On 3/24/08 and on 3/25/08 I had replied to the incident you created with our Support Team. Furthermore, on 3/25/08 I had also sent you an e-mail with the link to the incident page so you could access our communication logs. My guess is that you probably have a spam filter blocking our e-mails. Please ensure this is not the case so can proceed troubleshooting this incident via support since any issue needing a license string cannot be resolved on a public forum. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and sorry for any inconveniences.

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