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Silverlight 2.0 - Can't add ChartFX.Silverlight.Client.dll reference


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When attempting to add the project reference under the recently released Silverlight v2.0 beta, Visual Studio 2008 spits out the following error: "You can't add a reference to ChartFX.Silverlight.Client.dll as it was not built against the Silverlight runtime. Silverlight projects will only work with Silverlight assemblies."

Assuming the assembly needs to be recompiled against the v2.0 beta, how long until we can see this update?

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Development has just recently made available an internal build of the SilverlightWriter that supports v2.0.

The release version of this library along with the 2.0-compliant samples will be made available before the end of the week.

Should you need an earlier build of the SIlverlight writer library or to ask for the updated samples, please contact our support team at support@softwarefx.com. They will gladly provide you with the new dll.





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