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mixed view


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Hi there,

I've got a problem with mixed diagram types.

The preselection is a gantt style and one of the values should be changed to line style.

The resultset will be displayed with swaped axis like a bar graph style.


Has any body else the problem?

Or any special updates available to solve the problem?


Current Appversion:

ChartFX.dll 6.2.2839.26852

ChartFX.Base.dll 6.2.2839.26796

 any other ideas?




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By the default, the Line Chart is placed on a horizontal x-axis; however, you can instruct ChartFX to plot a horizontal bar with a vertical line without changing the axes back to their default position. You will need to set the TypeMask property to the Horz flag; you can do as follows:

chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Gantt;

chart1.Series[1].Gallery = Gallery.Lines;

chart1.TypeMask = ChartType.Horz;

This will show a horizontal bar chart with a vertical line chart. Hope this information helps you in accomplishing what you're trying to do.

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hi maximop,


thanks, it works fine with gantt and line style!

But it seems that there is a probleme with gantt and curves. The points are created at the correct position, but the curve is just a line and the line don't use any of the points.

However, I hope nobody in my company will try the combination of gantt and curves :D





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