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Export to XML will throw FormatExceptions if the label text contains {#..}


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I have a case where the user is presented with values containing {<some GUID or number>}.  While the graph looks fine it will throw a FormatException in exporting to xml, as it appears this is being passed directly into String.Format (protecting the strings with {{x}} keeps the error from happening ouf course but displays in the graph & would be prohibitively expensive to perform.)  I have modified the ApiButton_Click function in your PassingData example application to show this.  While hideously ugly (and we don't want our application to show this data generally) it exporting failing is fatal to our design & the overhead of checking every string we populate the chart with is very high.  Please let me know if I can do anything to help (or have missed something)





  private void ApiButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

  chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Curve;

  Random r = new Random();

  /* This function populates the chart using the API. First, you must specify the number of series and points
* and then pass the data. In this case we're passing random data. You can also use this method to pass X values,
* for which you will use chart1.Data.X[series, point] and chart1.Data.Y[series, point], instead of
* chart1.Data[series, point], which is simply to pass Y data.
  chart1.Data.Series = 2;
  chart1.Data.Points = 15;

  for (int series = 0; series < chart1.Data.Series; series++)
  chart1.Series[series].Text = "{1111}"; // here

  for (int point = 0; point < chart1.Data.Points; point++)
  chart1.Data[series, point] = r.NextDouble() * 100;

  if (series == 0)
  chart1.Data.Labels[point] = "{2222}"; // here

  System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
  ms.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

  // the following line will throw a FormatException if either line above
  // marked with "here" is compiled in...
  chart1.Export(FileFormat.Xml, ms);

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