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Issues with ChartFX 7.0.2 and PSS


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Windows 2000 Server SP4 with IIS 5.x

We have troubles using ChartFX: only when the PSS service is running, the ASPX pages are unable to render graphes.

The PNG link inside the Html source is:

<img id="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderDefault$cGraphe" src="/chartfx70/temp/CFV1127_0330021FBF7.png" mce_src="/chartfx70/temp/CFV1127_0330021FBF7.png"  WIDTH="960" HEIGHT="587"  usemap="#ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderDefault$cGrapheMap" border="0" oncontextmenu="return SFX_OnChartContextMenu();"/>

The [iIS]/chartfx70/temp folder exists and Everyone account is allowed to to write in it.

If we stop the PSS service, the images are rendered immediately into the Temp folder and are displayed. If it runs, image files are not written in the Temp folder (it seems to be normal due to the functioning of the product) and then are not found by the ASPX pages...

Is it normal?

Any remarks are welcome :)

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Is PSS running as an application on IIS and able to execute scripts only? What about the permission settings for the ChartFX70 Virtual Folder? You need to have read/write permissions.

What exactly do you see when PSS is running? How are you rendering the chart? Image or .NET?

Below, please find some links regarding PSS:

Troubleshooting the PSS Service:


Disabling the PSS Service:


The ChartFX PSS Service in a nutshell:


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