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How to bring the coordination system concept in Scatter Chart?


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The following sample will do it just find.

chart1.Data.Series = 3;

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

chart1.Data.Points = 3;

chart1.Data[0, 0] = -30;

chart1.Data[0, 1] = -50;

chart1.Data[0, 2] = -5;

chart1.Data[1, 0] = 10;

chart1.Data[1, 1] = -10;

chart1.Data[1, 2] = 30;

chart1.Data[2, 0] = -15;

chart1.Data[2, 1] = 40;

chart1.Data[2, 2] = 15;

chart1.Data.Labels[0] = "A";

chart1.Data.Labels[1] = "B";

chart1.Data.Labels[2] = "C";

chart1.Gallery = ChartFX.WinForms.Gallery.Scatter;

You may want to change the Gray Code by a SQL Query, there is a good article which includes code in the Chart FX Resource Center installed with Chart FX, section Passing Data/"Passing Data Using Database".

I hope this helps.

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