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Adapdation of Q1681001 Financial Sample

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I am trying to adapt your volume brush sample to work with my candlesticks.

Everything Fires, everything apparently processes, but no color changes are

made. Any help would be appreciated.


Dim hOrigBrush As Long 'store the ChartFX Original brush

Dim hNewBrush As Long 'store the New Brush

Private Sub CreateBrush()

' create a Blue brush

hNewBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0, 255))

' mark the variable as not initialized yet

hOrigBrush = 0

End Sub

Private Sub DestroyBrush()

DeleteObject (hNewBrush)

End Sub

Private Sub StoreOriginalBrush()

Dim hDeviceC As Long

If hOrigBrush = 0 Then ' the Original was not saved yet

hDeviceC = ChartFX.PaintInfo(CPI_GETDC)

' Get the selected brush

hOrigBrush = SelectObject(hDeviceC, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH))

ChartFX.PaintInfo CPI_RELEASEDC, hDeviceC

End If

End Sub

Private Sub SetOriginalBrush()

Dim hDeviceC As Long

If hOrigBrush <> 0 Then ' the Original was not saved yet

hDeviceC = ChartFX.PaintInfo(CPI_GETDC)

' restore the original brush

SelectObject hDeviceC, hOrigBrush

ChartFX.PaintInfo CPI_RELEASEDC, hDeviceC

hOrigBrush = 0 'there is nothing stored now

End If

End Sub

Private Sub UseBrush(hBrush As Long)

Dim hDeviceC As Long

hDeviceC = ChartFX.PaintInfo(CPI_GETDC)

SelectObject hDeviceC, hBrush

ChartFX.PaintInfo CPI_RELEASEDC, hDeviceC

End Sub

Private Sub ChartFX_PrePaintMarker(ByVal nSerie As Integer, ByVal nPoint As

Long, nRes As Integer)


If (timerSeconds.Enabled) And (nPoint = ChartFX.NValues - 1) Then 'If I

am Updating the chart and It's the last point

Dim hBrush As Long


UseBrush (hNewBrush)

nRes = 0



End If


End Sub

Private Sub ChartFX_PaintMarker(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer,

ByVal lPaint As Long, ByVal nSerie As Integer, ByVal nPoint As Long, nRes As





End Sub

Thanks in Advance,

Chase Gale

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