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Re: Array problem when creating a chart

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My first guess (I don't do Java!) is you're using the wrong variables.

You tell me -- doesn't the following line fill the variable arVF with the Fields array?

var arVF = Conn.get_arFields(); // an array containing int fields

and the following fill the arDags with the Dates array

var arDags = Conn.get_arDates(); // an array containing dates

Then the AddArray needs to be:




uba <unnur@kveikir.is> wrote in message news:pZkNI3vqAHA.1808@sfxserver.softwarefx.com...

> Hi!

> Thank you for your help, but my code still isn't working.

> This is what I do (using Javascript inside an ASP page):


> **********************************************************************

> <%

> var chart, Conn;

> chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer");


> chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).Min = 900;

> chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).STEP = 50;

> chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).Format = "####,";


> Conn = Server.CreateObject("myComObject.wsc"); // reference to my COM

> object


> var CfxArray;

> CfxArray = Server.CreateObject("CfxData.Array");


> var arVF = Conn.get_arFields(); // an array containing int fields

> var arDags = Conn.get_arDates(); // an array containing dates


> CfxArray.AddArray(arFields);

> CfxArray.AddArray(arDates);


> chart.DataType(0) = CDT_XVALUE;

> chart.DataType(1) = CDT_VALUE;


> chart.GetExternalData (CfxArray);


> Conn = null;


> %>

> <%=chart.GetHtmlTag("673","381","Auto","chart")%>


> **********************************************************************


> Do you see what's wrong with it? It doesn't show any errors but just hangs

> after I call the asp page.


> Thank you,

> uba



> "SteveT" <stephent@compassadv.com> wrote in message

> news:2vP3UENqAHA.1808@sfxserver.softwarefx.com...

> Uba,


> Show some more code.

> You say your array has numbers and dates? The AddArray will only take

> single dimension arrays.


> From the help file:

> "However, you can not pass multidimensional arrays to Chart FX. This means,

> if you create a matrix or a multidimensional array as nData(10,10) Chart FX

> will not know how to process this information. An error will occur."


> Here is their example:


> 'Create the Chart FX Data provider array

> Dim CfxArray As CfxDataArray


> 'nValues and nLegend are previously filled arrays

> Dim nValues(10) As Integer

> Dim nLegend(10) As Variant


> 'Add the nValues and nLegend arrays to the data provider

> CfxArray.AddArray nValues

> CfxArray.AddArray nLegend


> 'Let Chart FX take the information from the data provider

> ChartFX1.GetExternalData CfxArray



> Steve




> uba <unnur@kveikir.is> wrote in message

> news:VDsh#kKqAHA.2592@sfxserver.softwarefx.com...

> > Hi all,

> >

> > I'm having problems with creating a chart. I get an array from a com

> object

> > and I add it to the CfxArray. Then I try calling

> > chart.GetExternalData(CfxArray) but nothing happens, it just seems to be

> > looping - no error messages.

> > Does anyone know why my chart is not appearing? My array contains numbers

> > and dates so it shouldn't be a problem creating a chart out of it.

> >

> > Many thanks,

> >

> > uba

> >

> >

> >

> >




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